Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Today is a remarkable day - 9th of May! Some call it the day of Europe, some - the Victory day; no mather if you celebrate the Soviet victory in 1945 and the fall of the Nazi regime or the Schuman declaration and the birth of the EU, all Europeans have a very good occasion to celebrate today. This truly is the day of Europe - a day that unites us! Europe is no more devided into 2 hostile blocks, we are becomming more like one family. A family that Bulgaria and Romania recently joined.

However we still have a long path to walk. If my friends from Ukraine, Albania, Serbia want to come and visit me, they can't do it freely, they still need a visa. Conflicts continue to torture the continent - the status of Kosovo is still not clear; tension grows in the relations between Estonia and Russia; there are huge protests in Turkey. Even in the EU nothing is as clear as we want it - the Constitution failed; the member countries remain selfish and look at their own interests; we still focus on the question should we give a chance to Turkey to become a member, when the real question should be how can we ease the process and integrate them faster.

Well nobody said it's going to be easy, but the main point is that things are going in the right direction and Europe is becoming what it should be - a place where different cultures meet and coexist in harmony and cooperation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

no offense pal, but i would under no circumstances celebrate the soviet victory if i was from eastern europe...