Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Vikings

I know a lovely land
With spreading, shady beeches
Near Baltic's salty strand;
Its hills and valleys gently fall,
Its ancient name is Denmark,
And it is Freya's hall
<Danish anthem>

We've all heard stories about the mighty vikings. They were fearsome warriors, skilled traders and bold explorers. They were the Norse men! They were the ancestors of the same people I see on the streets, in the shops, all around me. They are the heritage of Denmark.
I've been reading some info about the vikings lately and I see why the Danes are so proud of their past. Come to think of it they look a little closer to me now - two great civilizations in the past, reduced to two small but beautiful and proud countries, each with their problems and strengths. Well, maybe Denmark has a little more strengts :P
Anyway, I forgot what I wanted to say here, but it had something to do with the better understanding of the culture and the country I'm in :) I hope soon I'll have the chance to explore more about the country and all the intresting places and new experiences it has to offer me :)

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