Saturday, March 3, 2007

I want to congratulate all the Bulgarians with one of our brightest holidays - The Bulgarian National Holiday! Exactly 129 years ago, on 3rd of March 1878 was sighed the treaty of San Stefano with which Bulgaria was liberated and appeared once again on the Europe map with all its national and ethnical territories. As Bulgarians we celebrate this memorable day each year with pride and happiness.
I can say that this holiday is even more important for all the Bulgarians abroad (like me) who can once again touch emotionally with our country and long for the day they'll be back home.
Well, what is true that Bulgarians like to gather at such holidays, so of course there was something going on even here in distant Denmark. Yesterday there was a cocktail in the Bulgarian embassy where all the Bulgarians could gather to celebrate the holiday, as well as Baba Marta, and to meet with all the other Bulgarians here. Of course I and Petyo went there. It was great. We met the embassador and the military attache. The last one, colonel Iliev, appered to be from my beloved home city - Shumen :) They were all very friendly and promissed to help us if we needed to. On the 24th of May there is going to be another cocktail. For sure I'll be there again :)

Of course there was another event these days - Baba Marta - the famous Bulgarian tradition/holiday when everybody gives "martenitsi" to friends and family. I could imagine Sofia, all red and white, with thousands of small shops for martenitsi :) Of course I was prepared and took some martenitsi with me from home. I gave one to all the Bulgarians here and also to all my roommates in Anex(my house). They all liked it very much which made me really happy :) Yet now when I look at my martenitsa I smile and think of all the people back home I'd like to give one.

I wish health and happiness to all of you during these wonderful holidays!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Честит презник и на теб! Желая то да продължиш да пазиш българския дух в себе си и времето в Дания ще мине неусетно! Изкарването на празника с посещение на коктейла звучи чудесно, и на мен ми се иска да посетя нещо подобно.
Поздрави от слънчева България (както е напоследък) и скорошно завръщане!!!